Saturday, December 6, 2008

A time to say thanks

This year we had thanksgiving at our house. My parents and sisters came down to spend the day and to stuff ourselves. It went perfectly. We had a great time hanging out and playing games. Carson just couldn't wait to eat and ate a bunch of olives off of his fingers of course. And Afton thoroughly enjoyed her first thanksgiving. She ate stuffing and potatoes and smeared the rest all over her face. It is great that we can sit together as a family and see that we are so blessed.

This last week I have had the chance to reflect on what is exactly important in my life. I admit lately I have been caught up in the material world. Picking out things for the new house. And all the Christmas craziness. Well I got humbled real quick on Tuesday when I got the news that the diabetes that I had when I was pregnant has returned. And this time it wont be going away. At first I freaked out and cried. But then I realized it is up to me to control this. I met with the doctor and am going to try to do it with just diet and exercise. But I might be insulin dependent so I will check with him next week to see about that. I pray that I am not because first, I don't know if I can give myself shots and second, insulin is very expensive and our insurance doesn't cover much. I love my carbs and my sugar so I am not very happy about this. This is going to be a whole lifestyle change for me. But the good news is I am up for the challenge. I have reevaluated my life and all that I have been blessed with. I have a wonderful loving husband that takes very good care of our family. I have two beautiful children that give me such joy in life. And I also have a wonderful and supportive mom and dad. I also am grateful for Dustin's family they are wonderful too. I am also grateful for my faith. I love my Heavenly Father and have gotten closer to him in the past few days. I know he is there for me when I kneel to pray.
I want to thank my family and friends for all they do for us and all of their support. We love you all.

1 comment:

McQuarrie's said...

I hope everything works out as good as can be expected with the diabetes. We are praying for you. Are you guys still at the same address? I need to send you my Christmas card. Text me and let me know if it has changed.