Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas 2008

Well another CHristmas has come and gone. And this year was so much fun. I guess it just gets better as our family grows. We spent Christmas Eve with my family. My mom was trying to soak in all the family being together for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning because we said that this is going to be our last Christmas sending the night because next year we are just staying home. Hauling presents and kids was just getting too much. Well Santa listened and got Carson what he wanted. He wanted this huge remote control Dinosaur. And he just has a ball with it. It actually does a lot of fun stuff. Its nice because Carson really wants a dog and this dinosaur has taken the place of that. It acts just like a dog but just with a remote control and I can just turn him off! Afton got a little kitchen and just loves to press the buttons and make noise. But her favorite toy just might be the cute walker stroller my mom got her. She thinks she is just so big walking around.
Well after some breakfast and some wii playing (my sister got it for Christmas) we headed up to Dustins parents up in Idaho. The roads were horrible. But we got there safely and the kids got spoiled again. We had a great time hanging out with family over Christmas. And Carson of course had a great time playing with the cousins.
And now we head into a new year. It will be interesting to see what this next year brings. Happy New Year!
Carson and "Spike"
Mommy Afton
Christmas Eve dinner
New pajamas


Elwell Family said...

Seriously, that is the CUTEST picture of Afton I have ever seen!!! She is darling. I can't believe how beautiful your children are. Actually I can, they have a beautiful Mommy (and Daddy, sorry to leave you out Dustin). Glad to hear you had a great Christmas! Have a Happy New Year!

Heidi said...

You do make cute babies!! she is so adorable! Sorry we missed you in utah...Everyday was so busy with seeing someone in the family. Wish we would've had more time.