Me and Afton flew across the country to Boston to see the Elwell Family. It was very nerve racking flying by myself with a baby but I couldn't of asked for a better baby to fly with. She was absolutely great (thankfully) even though she was cutting a tooth! You are probably wondering why I didn't take Carson. Well he is two now and I would have to buy him a ticket and this was supposed to just be a vacation for me. I had to take Afton because she is still attached. Dustin could not leave work and traveling with a toddler and a baby by myself was NOT happening. Though i missed him terribly he had a great time working with his dad.
I had a great time in Massachusetts. It was wonderful to see Sarah and her family. We miss them so much. Of course we went shopping (a few times). We also went to Salem, and to the New England Aquarium. One night we left the kids with Chris and went on a Ghost and Graveyard tour of Boston. It was really cool and great fun. They took us to a couple of old graveyards in Boston. One of which is where John Hancock, John Adams, and Paul Revere are buried. They told some old ghost stories as we drove around downtown. It was great. The next day we went to the beach even though it was in the sixties. Brrr it was cold but I had to see it. I mainly went out just to hang out with Sarah and her cute family. And we did just that. I will have to go back someday and actually do some history tours with my husband. We just love the Elwell family and miss them. I want to thank them for letting me come as stay with them. I hope to see them soon. We are now home safe and sound and can't wait for our next adventure!